Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

4 Record(s) Found in our database

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1. Record Number: 20780
Author(s): Eckhard, Simon
Title : The First German Mary Assumption Play (c.1300) and the Mary Portal of Strasbourg Cathedral [Investigates the relationship between thirteenth and fourteenth century German Assumption plays, the Song of Solomon/Song of Songs, and the carvings of Strasbourg Cathedral. Focuses on the plays' and carvings' use of the figures of "Ecclesia" as bride and God as Solomon, with God/Solomon's embrace of "Synagoga" acting as a device to encourage the conversion of Jews. The relationship between Mary and the figure of "Ecclesia" is also discussed. Title note supplied by Feminae].
Source: European Medieval Drama , 9., ( 2005):  Pages 1 - 23.
Year of Publication: 2005.

2. Record Number: 20781
Author(s): Kovacs, Lenke
Title : The Staging of the "Ludus de assumptione beatae Mariae virginis" (cod. 960, University Library, Innsbruck) [Describes the variations of stage settings and performance venues used for Assumption plays, emphasizing how practical concerns (such as needing to silence the audience) were incorporated into play scripts. Examines the relationship between the Virgin Mary and the Bride in the Song of Songs, and the depiction of Jews and Jerusalem. Title note supplied by Feminae].
Source: European Medieval Drama , 9., ( 2005):  Pages 25 - 34.
Year of Publication: 2005.

3. Record Number: 5569
Author(s): Duclow, Donald F.
Title : The Virgin's "Good Death": The Dormition in Fifteenth-Century Drama and Art [The author argues that the Virgin's dormition served as a model for dying well; handbooks in the "ars moriendi" tradition also emphasize a serene, holy death with the consoling intervention of the Virgin Mary].
Source: Fifteenth Century Studies , 21., ( 1994):  Pages 55 - 86.
Year of Publication: 1994.

4. Record Number: 13261
Author(s): Ashley, Kathleen.
Title : Image and Ideology: Saint Anne in Late Medieval Drama and Narrative [The cult of Saint Anne offered a means of performing meaning(s). The Huy Nativity Play has Anne and other kin visit Mary and the infant Jesus, gazing adoringly at the baby as he gazes back. In the N-Town Mary Play, Anne is the lynchpin of the Holy Kinship, mediating between marriage and ideas of chastity. The Digby Candelmas Play was enacted on Saint Anne's Day. It shows role reversal, including a soldier being beaten with spindles for his role in the Massacre of the Innocents. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Interpreting Cultural Symbols: Saint Anne in Late Medieval Society.   Edited by Kathleen Ashley and Pamela Sheingorn .   The University of Georgia Press, 1990. Fifteenth Century Studies , 21., ( 1994):  Pages 111 - 130.
Year of Publication: 1990.